(352) 317-6468
Buy or Sell a Liquor License

Buying and Selling Hillsborough County Liquor Licenses

Florida laws regulate the number of liquor licenses available in the state. As a result, it can be difficult to navigate the system to purchase a beverage license on your own. Let us help you buy or sell Hillsborough County liquor licenses.

As an experienced broker of beverage licenses, we have a comprehensive list of restaurants, bars and liquor stores that are looking to sell existing licenses, and we’re ready to broker a smooth transition of license ownership to you for your bar, restaurant or liquor store.

New liquor licenses may be an option, too. When population numbers allow the state to release new licenses, our highly trained brokers are in-the-know and ready to help you acquire the license you need. When wanting to buy or sell a Hillsborough County liquor license, BeverageLicense.com can help you today!

BeverageLicense.com Florida County Map

Contact Us

Buying and Selling Hillsborough County Liquor Licenses

Florida laws regulate the number of liquor licenses available in the state. As a result, it can be difficult to navigate the system to purchase a beverage license on your own. Let us help you buy or sell Hillsborough County liquor licenses.

As an experienced broker of beverage licenses, we have a comprehensive list of restaurants, bars and liquor stores that are looking to sell existing licenses, and we’re ready to broker a smooth transition of license ownership to you for your bar, restaurant or liquor store.

New liquor licenses may be an option, too. When population numbers allow the state to release new licenses, our highly trained brokers are in-the-know and ready to help you acquire the license you need. When wanting to buy or sell a Hillsborough County liquor license, BeverageLicense.com can help you today!

408 W. University Ave., Suite 10-B • Gainesville, FL 32601

Office (352) 317-6468

408 W. University Ave., Suite 10-B Gainesville, FL 32601

Office (352) 317-6468


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